
How is the ICMR solution structured?

19.03.2024 | ICMR

ICMR structure

The ICMR solution consists of three components: matching, reconciliation and automatic postings. Once the intra-group transactions have been reconciled, they are eliminated in Group reporting.

Matching takes place at line item level; an aggregated view can be created by using a reconciliation case.

The database table for accounting ACDOCA, the BSEG table (accounting line items) and the database table for consolidation ACDOCU can be used as the data source for matching. The data source is based on a CDS view. The data records to be read from the data source can also be restricted using filters. A major advantage of the ICMR is that the data sources can be accessed in real time.

The data source used by the matching engine is stored in the matching method. Individual matching rules are stored in the method, which matches the data records. Reconciliation takes place at transaction currency level with various matching types. Various reasons for differences are stored in the matching rules. These provide information on why certain items were matched or which post-processing activities are required, and can trigger approval workflows and automatic adjustment postings.

For example, the matching engine can match the following typical matching scenarios:

An exact match exists if the transaction currency keys and the amounts of the IC vouchers match. The allocation reference number can also be compared for this purpose.

With an exact match, the documents match and no follow-up activities are necessary.

The data records can be compared with tolerance limits, which automatically highlights deviations. The manual effort required to reconcile each individual account is no longer necessary for the accounting department. The ICMR offers the option of displaying the differences in detail for each intra-group business transaction or bundled between the companies.

Technically, the documents whose amounts are within the defined tolerance are automatically assigned. This comparison results in follow-up activities such as the need for a comment or approval workflow. The reason for such a difference can be an incorrect manual posting, tax differences or a change in the exchange rate in the period between posting and reconciliation run.

The transaction currency key is different, but the amounts are the same. An automatic assignment is made here as an exception with follow-up activities.

Cash in transit, this scenario can be based, for example, on different closing periods (postponed financial year). In this case, final clarification is not expected until the next or a later period. Until then, the company that has already delivered an IC transaction posts a temporary adjustment using a transitory account. The facts are assigned to a reason code with temporary clarification. If the reconciliation is then carried out in the next period, the assignment is automatically canceled. Once the partner company’s open IC transaction has been received, the temporary clearing is reversed and the actual document is posted.

Open and uncleared items over a defined period are grouped under an assignment number and must either be processed manually or deferred for the next reconciliation run.

If duplicate postings occur, these documents are assigned as exceptions and follow-up activities such as the reversal of one document become necessary.

Further individual scenarios can be set up and compared.

The data records assigned by the matching rules are saved in the ICADOCM database table via the matching document API. The matching document API is also used to save the data records that were imported via flexible upload to the database table.

The SAP Fiori app Manage assignments can be used to manage the matching results from the perspective of the matching method or the reconciliation case. Manual assignments can be made or canceled and communication within the IC team can be started from here (e-mail, in-app notifications and notes).

Posting rules are required for the automatic adjustment postings; these are assigned to a posting scenario. The adjustment can then be made for the ACDOCA and ACDOCU.

The reconciliation case, which enables aggregated reconciliation, has a 1:1 relationship with the matching method. Display groups are created in this reconciliation case. Filters and tolerances can be stored in these, which are used to compare data records with each other. These settings also form the prerequisites for the reconciliation report(reconciliation status overview).

When the check of the reconciliation results is complete, the reconciliation completion status is set. This controls whether new postings are included in the processing.

There is a new elimination method for Group reporting. This is also based on posting rules. The intercompany elimination of the reconciled IC transactions takes place outside the ICMR solution in the consolidation monitor by executing the elimination task.

