

Planning and consolidation with SAP BPC for efficient financial statements and data management
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Planning and consolidation with SAP

As a group, you are obliged to prepare consolidated financial statements that provide a comprehensive picture of your group’s financial position and performance.
Depending on the country, these must be prepared in accordance with certain accounting standards such as HGB or IFRS .
The preparation of these consolidated financial statements can become very complicated and costly the larger the group is and therefore takes up a lot of time and resources.
In addition, a fixed deadline is set by the legislator, which can lead to various consequences depending on the accounting standard (fines, sanctions, etc.) if it is not met.

The SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) tool can help you to better manage or even minimize the time and resources used.

Managing complex group structures

The preparation of consolidated financial statements is a complex task that involves various challenges.
A key challenge is the consolidation of data from different subsidiaries, which often operate in different countries and business areas.
This requires careful integration of financial data from different accounting systems.

Currency translation and consolidation represent a further hurdle, especially when subsidiaries operate in different currencies. Exchange rate fluctuations can have a significant impact on the consolidated results and must be taken into account.
In addition, intercompany transactions must be correctly recorded and eliminated to avoid double counting.
This requires accurate tracking of transactions between companies within the Group.

Consolidation can be particularly challenging for complex group structures with multiple levels and numerous subsidiaries.
The quality and integrity of the financial data is crucial for the reliability of the consolidated financial statements.
Incorrect data can lead to inaccurate results.
It is therefore crucial to proactively address potential challenges and proceed carefully to ensure that the consolidated financial statements are prepared accurately, reliably and on time.

Modern data management for corporate management

SAP BPC is an all-round solution that covers all operational and financial activities in a company.
With the help of SAP BPC, you can rationalize business forecasts, planning and consolidation measures in your company.
At the end of the day, you receive a uniform picture of your company’s financial situation and can make well-founded business decisions based on “what-if” scenarios.

You also benefit from a significant reduction in implementation, budget and completion cycles.
This is achieved through the use of a flexible data model and central administration.
The ability to create simple rules and reports by the specialist department and without programming knowledge also speeds up the consolidated financial statements in your company.


You can easily connect other reporting tools via SAP BW.
There is also a direct connection to SAP Analytics Cloud.
You can also freely define the data model and use it particularly flexibly for management reporting.

SAP BPC is available both on-premise and in the cloud.
In terms of target group and implementation options, SAP BPC is available in two variants – BPC Standard and BPC Embedded.

Your benefits with SAP BPC

BPC enables your company to optimize its financial processes, increase efficiency and make better decisions by providing a comprehensive platform for planning, budgeting and consolidation.

Integrated planning and consolidation

  • Planning and consolidation processes in one system
  • reduces complex data transfers between different systems and improves the efficiency of the finance department

Real-time data and analyses

  • Use of real-time data for planning, budgeting and consolidation
  • up-to-date information for well-founded decisions

Scalability and customizability

SAP BPC is scalable and can be adapted to the specific requirements and scales of companies, regardless of their size or industry.

Integration with other SAP products

SAP BPC is scalable and can be adapted to the specific requirements and scales of companies, regardless of their size or industry.

Automation of consolidation processes

  • SAP BPC automates the consolidation process
  • It enables the fast and accurate consolidation of financial data from different divisions and subsidiaries

Compliance and reporting

  • Supports companies in complying with accounting standards and regulations
  • Facilitating the preparation of reports for external stakeholders such as regulators, investors and creditors

User-friendly interface

  • User interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easier for employees to familiarize themselves with and use the system

Flexible modeling and scenario analysis

  • User interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easier for employees to familiarize themselves with and use the system

Your advantages

Benefit from a high level of MS Excel integration

Convenient operation of the tool by the specialist department

Connect other reporting tools (e.g. SAP Analytics Cloud) via SAP BW

Define your data model flexibly according to your needs

Processes to support the individual companies in the recording and quality assurance of their data

Pre-systems (high integration possibilities with SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW))


Accelerate your consolidation process with our con-force template

The con-force template for SAP BPC allows you to significantly accelerate your design and implementation phase.
This preconfigured set of rules is based on our best practices and more than 20 years of experience in the field of SAP consolidation and was developed by us as a holistic consulting approach.
With con-force, all activities of your closing process – from data reporting to the consolidated report – are covered.
This enables you to implement your consolidation projects quickly and automatically with SAP BPC Standard.

Our other SAP solutions in Group management

SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting

SAP S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting is a powerful solution that helps companies to efficiently consolidate and analyze financial data at group level.


BCS/HANA optimizes business consolidation with a robust platform for financial data collection, analysis and reporting.


SAP S/4HANA's integrated solution ICMR facilitates intra-group reconciliations, makes the process more transparent and automated, and accelerates the transition to consolidated financial statements.


SAP SEM-BCS optimizes consolidation processes, collects and analyzes financial data, meets compliance requirements and improves reporting.

SAP Data Collection App

The Group Reporting Data Collection App collects, analyzes and transfers data to the consolidation system, saves time and resources and improves reports.


SAP BPC optimizes financial planning, budgeting, forecasting and consolidation.
It manages complex financial data, creates accurate reports and supports well-founded decisions.


EC-CS is stable and proven for many SAP customers.
With the introduction of S/4HANA, customers are faced with the decision of how they want to proceed with EC-CS, especially in the brownfield approach and for non-S/4HANA customers.

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based platform for business analytics.
It enables data analysis, business intelligence, planning and forecasting to make data-driven decisions and improve business performance.

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