The ICMR is integrated as an out-of-box solution in SAP S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting and has been available in Group Reporting On-Premise since release 1909 and in the Group Reporting Cloud since release 1908.
The ICMR solution is available with Group Reporting as standard, so there are no additional license costs for the tool.
The financial data is reconciled in real time without ETL processes (extraction, transformation and loading processes).
An ETL process is the process in data processing in which data is extracted from various sources, transformed and then loaded into a target system or database.
The ICMR process differs in that data collection, reconciliation, corrections and documentation are handled in SAP S/4HANA.
The matching engine can read the data directly from the source database tables (ACDOCA, ACDOCU and ICADOCM).