
Data Collection App

Efficient data collection for modern companies
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Automated data capture in Group Reporting

The modern business world is driven by data.
The ability to efficiently collect, transition and analyze data from multiple sources is critical to a company’s success.
Companies often need to combine data from different sources and subsidiaries in order to make informed decisions and comply with regulations.
This is particularly true in the area of group reporting, where companies and departments cooperate to bring together financial and operational data.
On the one hand, it extends Group Reporting to include form-based data entry and, on the other, it provides an interface for data transfer between the non-SAP system and Group Reporting.

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Form-based recording with real-time data

The Data Collection App enables form-based data collection.
This means that you can create input masks to record data yourself.
In Group Reporting, access to current information is crucial.
The Data Collection App also offers a display of real-time data that has already been posted to the database.
The forms can be structured with formulas and other display options as required.

Data Collection App as an interface

Another key function of the Data Collection App is its use as an interface.
The input and output structure of the respective fields or columns can be defined via a mapping file.
This makes it possible to automatically transfer CSV files from non-SAP systems (e.g. ERP systems) to Group Reporting.
These mapping files can extract any data from non-SAP systems and transfer it to Group Reporting.

Symbol image: Platform & Strategy
Symbol image: Platform & Strategy

Scalability and flexibility

Group reporting requirements can change over time.
The Data Collection App scales and adapts flexibly to the growing needs of your organization and Group Reporting.
The app provides the necessary flexibility to seamlessly integrate changes such as adding new data sources, expanding business areas or adapting to changing business models.
This ensures that your data capture solution remains up-to-date even in a changing business environment.

Your benefits with the Data Collection App

Better data quality and consistency

Incorrect or inconsistent data has potentially devastating consequences.
The Data Collection App uses predefined rules and validations to ensure that the collected data is correct and consistent.
The Data Collection App accesses the Group Reporting table (ACDOCU) directly and therefore always shows the data currently available in the database.
This significantly increases data quality and minimizes inconsistencies.
You can rest assured that your reports are based on reliable data.

More transparency and compliance

Transparency is crucial, especially in regulated industries.
The Data Collection App offers comprehensive transparency across the entire data collection process.
All data entries and changes are logged and can be traced.

This makes it much easier to comply with regulations and carry out audits.
Companies can rest assured that their data is recorded securely and compliantly.
In addition, different document types can be used when recording data.
This means that data collection can be differentiated again separately and presented transparently.

Time and cost savings

Time and resources are precious in every company.
Manual data entry often requires countless hours of work to compile and check data.

The Data Collection App significantly reduces this burden.
The app allows employees to focus on strategic tasks and analyses instead of wasting time on time-consuming, repetitive tasks.
This is made possible by the flexible input masks that can be created and the simultaneous display of real-time data.
This leads to considerable time and cost savings and increases the efficiency of the company.

Our other SAP solutions in Group management

SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting

SAP S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting is a powerful solution that helps companies to efficiently consolidate and analyze financial data at group level.


BCS/HANA optimizes business consolidation with a robust platform for financial data collection, analysis and reporting.


SAP S/4HANA's integrated solution ICMR facilitates intra-group reconciliations, makes the process more transparent and automated, and accelerates the transition to consolidated financial statements.


SAP SEM-BCS optimizes consolidation processes, collects and analyzes financial data, meets compliance requirements and improves reporting.

SAP Data Collection App

The Group Reporting Data Collection App collects, analyzes and transfers data to the consolidation system, saves time and resources and improves reports.


SAP BPC optimizes financial planning, budgeting, forecasting and consolidation.
It manages complex financial data, creates accurate reports and supports well-founded decisions.


EC-CS is stable and proven for many SAP customers.
With the introduction of S/4HANA, customers are faced with the decision of how they want to proceed with EC-CS, especially in the brownfield approach and for non-S/4HANA customers.

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based platform for business analytics.
It enables data analysis, business intelligence, planning and forecasting to make data-driven decisions and improve business performance.

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